
Warning: These commands modify your NFT and are for advanced users. Use with caution.

Sign metadata for an unverified creator.

Sign One

Sign the metadata for a single mint account.


metaboss sign one --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> --account <MINT_ACCOUNT>

Outputs a TxId to the command line so you can check the result.

Sign All

Sign all metadata from a JSON list or for a given first verified creator. First verified creator can be the candy machine creator id or whatever the first verified creator in the creators array is for your NFTs.


metaboss sign all --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> --creator <FIRST_CREATOR>

For candy machine v2, you can add the --v2 option when using it with the candy machine id. Candy machine v2 has a separate creator id from the candy machine account id.

metaboss sign all --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> --creator <CANDY_MACHINE_ID> --v2

or you can use the candy machine creator id which will be the first creator in the creators array.

metaboss sign all --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> --creator <CANDY_MACHINE_CREATOR_ID>

With a mint accounts JSON list:

metaboss sign all --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> --mint-accounts-file <PATH_TO_MINT_ACCOUNTS_FILE>

For the latter usage, the mint accounts file should be a JSON file with a list of mint accounts to be signed:


Outputs a TxId to the command line so you can check the result.