
Stars Forks Crate Downloads

The Solana Metaplex NFT 'Swiss Army Knife' tool.

Current Commands:

    airdrop         Airdrop assets to a list of addresses
    burn            Full Burn an asset
    burn-nft        Full Burn a NFT
    burn-print      Full Burn a print edition NFT
    check           Check specific metadata values for a list of NFTs
    collections     NFT collections commands
    create          Create accounts
    decode          Decode on-chain data into JSON format
    derive          Derive PDAs for various account types
    find            Find things
    help            Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    mint            Mint new NFTs from JSON files
    parse-errors    Parse Errors commands
    set             Set non-Data struct values for a NFT
    sign            Sign metadata for an unverified creator
    snapshot        Get snapshots of various blockchain states
    transfer        Transfer Metaplex assets
    unverify        Unverify Creators
    update          Update various aspects of NFTs
    uses            NFT uses commands
    verify          Verify Creators

Each subcommand has additional commands. Run metaboss <subcommand> --help and metaboss <subcommand> <command> --help for more information on particular commands.

Suggestions and PRs welcome!

Note: This is experimental software for a young ecosystem. Use at your own risk. The author is not responsible for misuse of the software or failing to test specific commands before using on production NFTs.

Test on devnet or localnet before using on mainnet.

Quick Start

Install Binary

Copy the following to a terminal:

bash <(curl -sSf

If you get errors you may need dependencies:


sudo apt install libssl-dev libudev-dev pkg-config

MacOS may need openssl:

brew install openssl@3

Or get the binary yourself: binary.

Install With Cargo

So you're a Rust dev. . .

cargo install metaboss

See Usage Commands

metaboss -h

Decode a mint account's metadata:

metaboss decode mint -a 23gaZq8578xHozMWADsmZ2hAFqZ15iyHmQtRw14meds2

Get a snapshot of mint accounts by first verified creator:

metaboss snapshot mint -c PanbgtcTiZ2PveV96t2FHSffiLHXXjMuhvoabUUKKm8


The recommended way to install is to use the install script to install on MacOs, Ubuntu, or other Unix-like OS, by copying the following into a terminal:

bash <(curl -sSf

This will download the appropriate binary for your system and install it. Feel free to inspect the install script directly at the link to see what you are running before you run the command.

For Windows, either use the prebuilt binary in the following section, or install Windows Subsystem Linux (WSL) to use the Ubuntu terminal to run the above installation script.

To install WSL on Windows, either run wsl --install -d ubuntu in the cmd prompt terminal, or install "Ubuntu" from the Windows app store. Once you have that set up you can simply run the install script in the WSL terminal. You will then run all your Metaboss commands from WSL as well.

The Metaboss Discord has a step-by-step guide for installing on Windows in the #windows-install channel.


Linux, MacOS and Windows binaries available in releases, thanks to CI work done by Kartik Soneji.

cargo install metaboss

Install From Source

Install Rust.

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Clone the source:

git clone


git clone

On Ubuntu you may need some additional packages:

sudo apt install libssl-dev libudev-dev pkg-config

Change directory and check out the main branch:

cd metaboss
git checkout main

Install or build with Rust:

cargo install --path ./


cargo build --release

Set Up Your Solana Config

If you have the Solana CLI installed (recommended) you can setup your RPC and keypair so you don't have to pass them into Metaboss:

solana config set --url <rpc url> --keypair <path to keypair file>


Update the URI of an existing NFT

metaboss update uri -k ~/.config/solana/devnet.json -a CQNKXw1rw2eWwi812Exk4cKUjKuomZ2156STGRyXd2Mp -u

Mint a new NFT

Prepare a JSON file.

    "name": "TestNFT2",
    "symbol": "TNFT",
    "uri": "",
    "seller_fee_basis_points": 200,
    "creators": [
            "address": "AVdBTNhDqYgXGaaVkqiaUJ1Yqa61hMiFFaVRtqwzs5GZ",
            "verified": false,
            "share": 50
            "address": "42NevAWA6A8m9prDvZRUYReQmhNC3NtSZQNFUppPJDRB",
            "verified": false,
            "share": 50

Call command. In this case we do not set --receiver so we mint directly to the keypair address.

metaboss mint one -k ~/.config/solana/devnet.json -d ./new_nft.json

Snapshot Candy Machine Mint Accounts

We call the command with no output specified so it creates the file in the current directory.

metaboss snapshot mints -c BHZWQEtGRMs7voC7vDyVQCXawB1P6UvxG899ATGwxmaR

The file BHZWQEtGRMs7voC7vDyVQCXawB1P6UvxG899ATGwxmaR_mint_accounts.json is created with the contents:


Update List of NFT Metadata

  1. Get your NFT mint list using metaboss snapshot or another tool.
  2. Decode all the metadata into files using metaboss decode mint -L <NFT_MINT_LIST_FILE> --full -o <DATA_FILES_DIR>.
  3. Update the specific data you want changed in each file in the <DATA_FILES_DIR>.
  4. Update the NFTs with metaboss update data-all -d <DATA_FILES_DIR>.

Note: many fields have specific update <field>-all commands which are easier to use as they don't require updating a bunch of metadata files manually. Check the update and set sections first to see if they have what you need.

Global Options

These are the options that apply to all subcommands and can be passed in at any level.

metaboss <option> <subcommand> <subcommand>
metaboss <subcommand> <option> <subcommand>
metaboss <subcommand> <subcommand> <option>


-r, --rpc The RPC endpoint to use for commands.

Metaboss will try to read your Solana config settings for both the RPC endpoint and also the Commitment setting by reading from $HOME/.config/solana/cli/config.yml. If it can't find a config file it defaults to using and confirmed.

Running Metaboss with the --rpc option will override the above with whatever RPC endpoint the user provides.

-T, --timeout The timeout in seconds to use for RPC calls.

This defaults to 90 seconds which should be fine for most cases but can be overridden if needed.


metaboss snapshot holders -r -T 120 -u DC2mkgwhy56w3viNtHDjJQmc7SGu2QX785bS4aexojwX


This is an experimental feature that uses the Jib library for batching and transmitting instructions. You should carefully test it on devnet prior to running it on mainnet.

Airdrop SOL

Airdrop SOL to a list of accounts.

Airdrop SOL

    metaboss airdrop sol [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -c, --cache-file <cache-file>            Cache file
    -k, --keypair <keypair>                  Path to the owner keypair file
    -l, --log-level <log-level>              Log level [default: off]
    -n, --network <network>                  Network cluster to use, defaults to devnet [default: devnet]
    -L, --recipient-list <recipient-list>    Path to the mint list file
    -r, --rpc <rpc>                          RPC endpoint url to override using the Solana config or the hard-coded
    -T, --timeout <timeout>                  Timeout to override default value of 90 seconds [default: 90]

This command requires a recipient list file that should be a JSON file of addresses and the amount of lamports to send to them. (1 SOL = 1,000,000,000 lamports) E.g.:

  "HVtodaLcq6zVvqp7h6JwLLrsAGxeJ9BatvgpUfp9b4oM": 1000,
  "5VXU4QbhUZbkBqKxT3Mv55krE4MomMgtV68whNRotjk5": 1000,
  "GSFKDFeCe93aUscmG84ugtXXNPMGoMcbZwRaamPLXS9o": 5000,
  "DCYHBcWGgdUUCBbj7rjbkBJWkuoHAH88BzMKfbbkFUNJ": 7000,
  "8MUCm4HxRXQUKMyanyNcvcG4qbAmw5s6y9exiszFZgg": 5000,
  "sknqbvGgVFpniWRK9kM1e77Fuq5oEhSZ5He4PtbTeZh": 3000  


metaboss airdrop sol  -L <PATH_TO_RECIPIENTS_LIST_FILE> -n devnet

This command creates two files: mb-cache-airdrop-<TIMESTAMP>.json and mb-successful-airdrops-<TIMESTAMP>.json. The cache file is used to track the airdrop progress by storing failed transactions and the successful airdrops file is used to track the successful airdrops by storing transaction signatures of the successful airdrops.

To re-run failed transactions run the command with the cache file instead of the recipient list file:

metaboss airdrop sol  -c <PATH_TO_CACHE_FILE> -n devnet

The command will first check the status of all the failed transactions to ensure they were not already successful before re-running them which should prevent any double-sends.

If transactions continuously fail you should look at the errors in the cache file and determine the cause.

Airdrop SPL Tokens

Airdrop SPL tokens to a list of accounts.

Airdrop SPL tokens

    metaboss airdrop spl [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --mint <mint>

        --boost          Boost the transactions w/ priority fees
    -h, --help           Prints help information
    -V, --version        Prints version information

    -c, --cache-file <cache-file>            Cache file
    -k, --keypair <keypair>                  Path to the owner keypair file
    -l, --log-level <log-level>              Log level [default: off]
    -m, --mint <mint>                        Mint from the SPL token mint
    -n, --network <network>                  Network cluster to use, defaults to devnet [default: devnet]
    -L, --recipient-list <recipient-list>    Path to the mint list file
    -r, --rpc <rpc>                          RPC endpoint url to override using the Solana config or the hard-coded
    -T, --timeout <timeout>                  Timeout to override default value of 90 seconds [default: 90]

This command works similarly to the SOL airdrop command, but expects the amount to be in the display units of the SPL token. E.g. for a token with three decimal places the amount of 10 will be converted to 10,000 base units behind the scenes.

Be aware that airdropping SPL tokens to wallets that do not already have a token account for that mint will cost 0.002 SOL per transaction. This is because the token account needs to be created first. This could end up being a significant cost if you are airdropping to a large number of wallets.

For large SPL token airdrops you may want to consider setting up a claim site instead.

Read Cache File

For storage and speed constraints, the cache file is not human-readable. To read the cache file you can use the read-cache command with either or both the --json and --errors flags which convert the cache file to a JSON file and print the errors respectively.

metaboss airdrop read-cache <PATH_TO_CACHE_FILE> --json


Burn Master Editions NFTs, as long as they do not have any editions (supply == 0). Only the owner/token holder of the NFT can burn it.

Burn One

Fully burn a single NFT by calling the Token Metadata program burn_nft handler.


metaboss burn one -k <OWNER_KEYPAIR> --account <MINT_ACCOUNT>

Burn All

Fully burn multiple NFTs by providing a JSON list file of mint accounts.

E.g. JSON file:




As in all other commands, keypair can be elided if set in the Solana config file.


Burn Print Edition NFTs. Only the owner/token holder of the NFT can burn it.

Burn-Print One

Fully burn a single Print Edition NFT by called the Token Metadata burn_edition_nft handler.


metaboss burn-print one -k <OWNER_KEYPAIR> --account <MINT_ACCOUNT>

Burn-Print All

Fully burn multiple Print Edition NFTs by providing a JSON list file of mint accounts.

E.g. JSON file:


Due to on-chain limitations, you also have to provide the mint account of the Master Edition NFT.



As in all other commands, keypair can be elided if set in the Solana config file.


Metadata Values

Check for a specific metadata value in downloaded metadata files.



metaboss decode mint -L <mint_list_json> -o <output_dir> --full

to decode all the metadata files in the mint_list_json file and save them to the output_dir directory.

Then run

metaboss check metadata-value -d <files_dir> METADATA_VALUE=VALUE

where the files_dir is the location of the metadata files downloaded in the previous command and METADATA_VALUE is one of the following values:

  • name
  • symbol
  • uri
  • sfbp
  • creators
  • update_authority
  • primary_sale_happened
  • is_mutable
  • token_standard
  • collection_parent
  • collection_verified
  • rule_set

and VALUE is the specific value of the field you wish to check for in the metadata files.

E.g., to see if all the metadata files in the output_dir directory have a specific update_authority value:

metaboss check metadata-value -d my_collection_files/ update_authority="PanbgtcTiZ2PveV96t2FHSffiLHXXjMuhvoabUUKKm8"

The command will print a list of files that do not have the specified value as well as create a files with the list of mints. The mint file will have the name format: "mb_check_mints_<METADATA_VALUE>.json" and will be created in the directory where the command is run. In the above example the mint file will be "mb_check_mints_update_authority.json" and will contain all the mints that do not have the specified update authority. This will allow you to easily rerun an update or set command to fix metadata values that weren't set properly.

The "name" field will check that the name on the metadata contains the name you specify so you can check for partial matches. E.g. if your collection's name format is "MyCollection #xx" you can set the name to be "MyCollection" and it will match all the metadata files that have the name "MyCollection" in their name.



Migrate a collection of NFTs or pNFTs to be part of a single on-chain Metaplex Certified Collection (MCC).

  1. Create your Collection Parent NFT using a minting tool such as Sol Tools. Alternately, use metaboss mint one or metaboss mint asset. This NFT will have your collection name, cover art, description, traits etc. It's the parent NFT for you collection and all items in your collection will point to this mint account.

  2. Get your mint list. If your collection is a single candy machine you can use the --candy-machine-id option, otherwise provide the path to your mint list formatted as a JSON file with the --mint-list option.

Example contents of the mint list file:


Your Collection Parent NFT must have the same update authority as the items you will put in the collection. If you don't want to connect your update authority keypair to a website, you can mint with a different keypair and then change the update authority with Metaboss, or mint with Metaboss's mint one command.

Running the Commands

Single Candy Machine Collection

Let's say you've created a parent NFT for your collection with a mint address of 9wtpdjMysSphxipTSJi7pYWGzSZFm2PRFtQucJiiXUzq and you have a candy machine id of 8yuhovH7fb63ed7Q3rcxL3kYZDhps4qspjaxx1N8WSni and your update authority is in the file my_keypair.json in the same directory you are running the command. Your Metaboss command would be:

metaboss collections migrate -k my_keypair.json -c 8yuhovH7fb63ed7Q3rcxL3kYZDhps4qspjaxx1N8WSni --mint-address 9wtpdjMysSphxipTSJi7pYWGzSZFm2PRFtQucJiiXUzq

Using a Mint List File

Assume the same scenario above but with a mint list file named "my_mint_list.json" in the same directory you are running the command. Your Metaboss command would be:

metaboss collections migrate -k my_keypair.json -L my_mint_list.json --mint-address 9wtpdjMysSphxipTSJi7pYWGzSZFm2PRFtQucJiiXUzq

This assumes you have your RPC set in your Solana config, otherwise it can be passed in with the -r option. As with all Metaboss commands, if you've set your keypair in your Solana config, you can omit the -k option. I recommend setting both in the Solana config to simplify commands:

solana config set --url <rpc url> --keypair <path to keypair file>

Retry Flow and Cache File

The migrate command rapidly fires off a lot of network requests to try to migrate over your collection as quickly as possible. If some of them fail, it keeps track of them and will automatically retry them based on the maximum number of retries you specify with the --retries option. (Defaults to one retry.)

retry flow

If it hits the maximum number of retries with errors remaining, it will write them to the cache file (metaboss-cache-migrate-collections.json).

To retry from a cache file, you can use the --cache-file option.

metaboss collections migrate -k my_keypair.json --cache-file metaboss-cache-migrate-collections.json --mint-address 9wtpdjMysSphxipTSJi7pYWGzSZFm2PRFtQucJiiXUzq

This will read the items from the cache file and retry them.

When retrying, if you consistently end up with the same number being retried each time it probably indicates those items cannot be migrated for some reason. Check the errors on the items that failed to migrate.

Example cache file:

    "FqKGC9CCVThn857VAyZtZQq5L31njnbeUTe1JoCsCX8J": {
        "error": "Migration failed with error: RPC response error -32002: Transaction simulation failed: Error processing Instruction 0: custom program error: 0x39 [5 log messages]"
    "H7xrCZwA7oqsFeRcPsP6EEYHCxqq7atUBuuQAursXvWF": {
        "error": "Migration failed with error: RPC response error -32002: Transaction simulation failed: Error processing Instruction 0: custom program error: 0x39 [5 log messages]"

In this case our error is:

        Token Metadata            |     IncorrectOwner: Incorrect account owner

which means these items cannot be migrated over as all items in the collection must have the same update authority as the Parent NFT.

Output File

Use --output-file or -o to specify the path and name of the JSON file to write the cache results to.


metaboss collections migrate -L devnet_test_mints.json -m 9wtpdjMysSphxipTSJi7pYWGzSZFm2PRFtQucJiiXUzq -o ~/Desktop/my-cache3.json

This will override both the default cache file name ('mb-cache-migrate.json') and the cache file name passed in with --cache-file.

Get and Check Collection Items


Metaboss now has experimental support for getting all collection items from a given mint using off-chain, indexed data from Other indexers or methods may be supported later. To use this feature, you need to sign up for a free account with TheIndex to get an API key.

metaboss collections get-items --collection-mint <COLLECTION_NFT_MINT_ADDRESS> --api-key <THE_INDEX_API_KEY>

where --collection_mint is the mint account of the parent collection NFT and --api-key is your API Key from There's an additional command --method which can be used to support other indexers in the future but defaults to for now so can be elided.

This command creates a JSON file named <COLLECTION_MINT>_collection_items.json in the directory it is run in.


Given a list of mint addresses and a collection mint address, this command checks all the items in the list to see if they belong to the specified collection.

metaboss collections check-items --collection-mint <COLLECTION_NFT_MINT_ADDRESS> -L <PATH_TO_MINT_LIST>

This command has a --debug flag, which creates a JSON file when set with a mapping of all collection NFTs found associated with the list of addresses and which ones belong to each.

Report bugs and questions to the Metaboss Discord.



Create a new SPL token mint and corresponding metadata account.


Specify the token decimals and path to a metadata file that contains the name, symbol and uri fields in a JSON format.

metaboss create fungible -d <decimals> -m <metadata_file>


// crab.json

  "name": "Crabbie",
  "symbol": "CRAB",
  "uri": ""
metaboss create fungible -d 6 -m crab.json

Use the --initial-suply option to mint the specified amount directly to your keypair upon token creation. The amount is specified is the UI amount as a float. E.g. --initial-supply 10.123 with three decimals will mint 10123 base unit tokens to your keypair.

metaboss create fungible -d 3 -m crab.json --initial-supply 10.1

Vanity Mints

You can specify a vanity mint address by using the --mint-path option to specify a path to a keypair on your file system. It will use this for the mint account instead of creating a new one.

metaboss create fungible -d <decimals> -m <metadata_file> --mint-path <path_to_keypair>


Decorate an existing SPL token mint with metadata.


Specify the token decimals and path to a metadata file that contains the name, symbol and uri fields in a JSON format.

E.g. (Note the snake_case field name):

// crab.json

  "name": "Crabbie",
  "symbol": "CRAB",
  "uri": ""
metaboss create metadata -a <mint_address> -m <metadata_file>


Decode Mint

Decodes a mint account's metadata into a JSON file. It accepts either a single account or a list of accounts.


metaboss decode mint --account <MINT_ACCOUNT> -o <OUPUT_DIRECTORY>

The command will write the metadata JSON file to the output directory with the mint account as the name: e.g. CQNKXw1rw2eWwi812Exk4cKUjKuomZ2156STGRyXd2Mp.json. The output option defaults to the current directory.

metaboss decode mint --list-file <LIST_FILE> -o <OUPUT_DIRECTORY>

The JSON list file should be an array of mint accounts to be decoded:

["xSy...", "Cnb..." ...]

The command will write each metadata JSON file to the output directory as a separate file with the mint account as the name: e.g. CQNKXw1rw2eWwi812Exk4cKUjKuomZ2156STGRyXd2Mp.json. The output option defaults to the current directory.

As of v0.4.0, the default output will only be the Data struct matching the input format of the update data and update data-all commands. To get the full Metadata struct, use the --full option.

Use --raw to get the account data as raw bytes for debugging purposes.

Decode Edition

Decodes a single Print Edition account from a mint account into a JSON file. This is a Print Edition PDA.


metaboss decode edition --account <MINT_ACCOUNT> 

Decode Edition Marker

Decodes a single Edition Marker PDA account from a mint account into a JSON file. This takes the Master Edition NFT mint account and either the edition number or the desired edition marker number, zero-indexed.


In this example, it will decode the 2nd Edition Marker PDA which corresponds to Edition numbers 248-495.

metaboss decode edition-marker --account <MASTER_EDITION_MINT_ACCOUNT> -m 1

Decode Master

Decodes a single Master Edition account from a mint account into a JSON file. This is a Master Edition PDA.


metaboss decode master --account <MINT_ACCOUNT> 

Decode Rulset

Decode a programmable NFT rule set from a pubkey.


metaboss decode rule-set AdH2Utn6Fus15ZhtenW4hZBQnvtLgM1YCW2MfVp7pYS5

Decode Pubkey

Decode a pubkey from a u8 array.


metaboss decode pubkey "[198,63,89,223,232,36,128,201,194,84,163,124,239,91,140,18,189,137,137,47,53,111,44,226,53,45,91,202,241,224,183,205]"


Derive Candy Machine V2 Creator

Derive the candy machine creator PDA from the candy machine id.


metaboss derive cmv2-creator <candy_machine_id>

Derive Edition

Derive the edition PDA from the mint account.

metaboss derive edition <mint_account>

Derive Metadata

Derive the metadata PDA from the mint account.

metaboss derive metadata <mint_account>

Derive PDA

Derive a generic PDA from a list of seeds and a program id.


metaboss derive pda <seed1>,<seed2>,<seed3> <program_id>



Look up Metaplex program error codes by hex or decimal values.


metaboss find error 0x1770


metaboss find error 6000


Auction House | PublicKeyMismatch: PublicKeyMismatch
Auctioneer |    BumpSeedNotInHashMap: Bump seed not in hash map
Candy Machine | IncorrectOwner: Account does not have correct owner!

Currently supported programs:

  • Token Metadata
  • Auction House
  • Auctioneer
  • Candy Machine

It also decodes Anchor specific errors.

metaboss find 3000
Anchor Program |        AccountDiscriminatorAlreadySet: The account discriminator was already set on this account

Missing Editions

Find any edition numbers in the sequence that have not been minted. See [editions][] for more details on how to interact with editions with Metaboss.


Mint new NFTs from JSON files.

For both subcommands the --immutable flag sets the NFT data to be immutable and the --primary-sale-happened flag sets the primary sale happened bool to true.

Mint One

Mint a single NFT from a JSON file.


metaboss mint one --keypair <KEYPAIR> --nft-data-file <PATH_TO_NFT_DATA_FILE> --receiver <RECEIVER_ADDRESS>
metaboss mint one --keypair <KEYPAIR> --external-metadata-uri <EXTERNAL_METADATA_URI> --receiver <RECEIVER_ADDRESS> --immutable --primary-sale-happened

The JSON files should contain all the necessary data required to create an NFT's metadata fields. Creator verified fields must be false unless the creator is also the keypair.

Example JSON file:

    "name": "TestNFT1",
    "symbol": "TNFT",
    "uri": "",
    "seller_fee_basis_points": 100,
    "creators": [
            "address": "PanbgtcTiZ2PveV96t2FHSffiLHXXjMuhvoabUUKKm8",
            "verified": false,
            "share": 100

The --external-metadata-uri option takes a URI to an external metadata file such as an Arweave link pointing to a JSON file.

If receiver is set, the NFT will be minted directly to the receiver's address, otherwise it is minted to keypair. Observant users may note that with a simple bash script this allows airdrops to be deployed with Metaboss.

Use the --sign option to sign the metadata with the keypair immediately after minting.

Vanity Mints

You can specify a vanity mint address by using the --mint-path option to specify a path to a keypair on your file system. It will use this for the mint account instead of creating a new one.


To mint a NFT with the ability to print editions from it use the --max-editions <max-editions> option. This defaults to 0 meaning no editions are allowed. Setting it to a positive integer means you can print up to that many editions. Setting to a value of -1 means unlimited editions. Because of how the CLI interprets the - symbol to set max editions to infinite you should use the = sign for the --max-editions option: metaboss mint one -a <master_account> --max-editions='-1'.

To mint editions from a master NFT use themetaboss mint editions command to either mint the next n editions sequentially using --next-editions <int> or mint specific edition numbers using --specific-editions <int> <int> <int> with a list of integer edition numbers to mint.

To find any edition numbers in the sequence that have not been minted use metaboss find missing-editions.

To find and mint any missing editions and mint them to the authority keypair use metaboss mint missing-editions.

To find the full list of options for each command use -h or --help as normal.

Mint List

Mint multiple NFTs from a list of JSON files.


metaboss mint list --keypair <KEYPAIR> --nft-data-dir <PATH_TO_NFT_DATA_FILE> --receiver <RECEIVER_ADDRESS>

This command functions the same as mint one except instead of a single JSON file, provide a path to a directory with multiple JSON files, one for each NFT to be minted.

metaboss mint list --keypair <KEYPAIR> --external-metadata-uris <PATH_TO_JSON_FILE> --receiver <RECEIVER_ADDRESS> --immutable --primary-sale-happened

To mint from URIs provide the path to a JSON file containing a list of URIs.

By default, new NFTs are minted as mutable, to make them immutable use the --immutable option.

Use the --sign option to sign the metadata with the keypair immediately after minting.

Mint Asset

Mint various types of Metaplex assets, including pNFTs.

    metaboss mint asset [OPTIONS] --asset-data <asset-data>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

        --amount <amount>
            Amount of tokens to mint, for NonFungible types this must be 1 [default: 1]

    -d, --asset-data <asset-data>                                Asset data
        --decimals <decimals>                                    Mint decimals for fungible tokens [default: 0]
    -k, --keypair <keypair>                                      Path to the update_authority keypair file
    -l, --log-level <log-level>                                  Log level [default: off]
    -s, --max-print-edition-supply <max-print-edition-supply>
            Max supply of print editions. Only applies to NonFungible types. 0 for no prints, n for n prints,
            'unlimited' for unlimited prints
    -m, --mint-path <mint-path>
            Path to mint keypair file, if minting from existing keypair

    -R, --receiver <receiver>                                    Receiving address, if different from update authority
    -r, --rpc <rpc>
            RPC endpoint url to override using the Solana config or the hard-coded default

    -T, --timeout <timeout>
            Timeout to override default value of 90 seconds [default: 90]


You need an asset json file of this format:

        "name": "Studious Crab #1",
        "symbol": "CRAB",
        "uri": "",
        "seller_fee_basis_points": 100,
        "creators": [
                "address": "ccc9XfyEMh9sU6DRkUmqQGJqgdKb6QyUaaT5h5BGYw4",
                "verified": true,
                "share": 100
        "primary_sale_happened": false,
        "is_mutable": true,
        "token_standard": "ProgrammableNonFungible",
        "collection": null,
        "uses": null,
        "collection_details": null,
        "rule_set": null

Substitute appropriate values for each field. The creator can only be set as verified if it is the same keypair as the one used to mint the asset, otherwise leave it as false.

metaboss mint asset -d <asset_json_file> -k <keypair> -R <receiver> -s <print_supply>


metaboss mint asset -d crab.json -k ccc9XfyEMh9sU6DRkUmqQGJqgdKb6QyUaaT5h5BGYw4.json -R  PanbgtcTiZ2PveV96t2FHSffiLHXXjMuhvoabUUKKm8 -s 0

Leave off the --receiver option to mint to your keypair.

Print Supply

All non-fungible type assets: currently NonFungible and ProgrammableNonFungible, require the print-supply option to be specified to set the maximum number of print editions that can be minted from the asset. For most PFP, 1/1, style NFTs, this should be set to 0 to prevent any editions being minted. Other options are: n for a limited number of n editions (e.g. 10), or unlimited to allow unlimited editions to be minted.

Fungible types such as Fungible and FungibleAsset should leave this value off as it has no meaning for them and the mint asset command will fail if that is specified for a fungible type.

Vanity Mints

You can specify a vanity mint address by using the --mint-path option to specify a path to a keypair on your file system. It will use this for the mint account instead of creating a new one.


Warning: These commands modify your NFT and are for advanced users. Use with caution. Set commands are either irreversible or require a new update authority to reverse.

Set non-Data struct values for a NFT.

Set Secondary Sale

Set primary_sale_happened to be true, enabling secondary sale royalties. This is not reversible.

metaboss set secondary-sale --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> --account <MINT_ACCOUNT>

Outputs a TxId to the command line so you can check the result.

Set Secondary Sale All

Same as set secondary-sale but takes a mint list instead of a single account file. This is not reversible.

Set Update-Authority

Set update_authority to a different public key. This is not reversible by the original update authority.

metaboss set update-authority --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> --account <MINT_ACCOUNT> --new-update-authority <NEW_UPDATE_AUTHORITY>

Set Update-Authority-All

Set update_authority to a different public key for a list of NFTs. This is not reversible by the original update authority.

metaboss set update-authority-all --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> --mint-list <PATH_TO_MINT_ACCOUNTS> --new-update-authority <NEW_UPDATE_AUTHORITY>

The mint accounts file should be a JSON file with an array of NFT mint accounts to be updated:


Set Immutable

Set an NFT's Data struct to be immutable. This is not reversible.

metaboss set immutable --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> --account <MINT_ACCOUNT>

Set Immutable-All

Set all NFTs in a list to be immutable. This is not reversible.

metaboss set immutable-all --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> --mint-list <PATH_TO_MINT_ACCOUNTS>

Set Token Standard

Set an asset's Token Standard to automatically be the correct type. This is not reversible.

    metaboss set token-standard [OPTIONS] --account <account>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -a, --account <account>        Mint account of corresponding metadata to update
    -k, --keypair <keypair>        Path to the update authority's keypair file
    -l, --log-level <log-level>    Log level [default: off]
    -r, --rpc <rpc>                RPC endpoint url to override using the Solana config or the hard-coded default
    -T, --timeout <timeout>        Timeout to override default value of 90 seconds [default: 90]


metaboss set token-standard --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> --account <MINT_ACCOUNT>

Set Token Standard-All

Set all assets in a list to be the correct Token Standard. This is not reversible.

    metaboss set token-standard-all [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -c, --cache-file <cache-file>    Cache file
    -k, --keypair <keypair>          Path to the update authority's keypair file
    -l, --log-level <log-level>      Log level [default: off]
    -L, --mint-list <mint-list>      Mint list
    -R, --rate-limit <rate-limit>    Maximum number of requests per second [default: 10]
        --retries <retries>          Maximum retries: retry failed items up to this many times [default: 0]
    -r, --rpc <rpc>                  RPC endpoint url to override using the Solana config or the hard-coded default
    -T, --timeout <timeout>          Timeout to override default value of 90 seconds [default: 90]


metaboss set token-standard-all --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> --mint-list <PATH_TO_MINT_ACCOUNTS>


Warning: These commands modify your NFT and are for advanced users. Use with caution.

Sign metadata for an unverified creator.

Sign One

Sign the metadata for a single mint account.


metaboss sign one --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> --account <MINT_ACCOUNT>

Outputs a TxId to the command line so you can check the result.

Sign All

Sign all metadata from a JSON list or for a given first verified creator. First verified creator can be the candy machine creator id or whatever the first verified creator in the creators array is for your NFTs.


metaboss sign all --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> --creator <FIRST_CREATOR>

For candy machine v2, you can add the --v2 option when using it with the candy machine id. Candy machine v2 has a separate creator id from the candy machine account id.

metaboss sign all --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> --creator <CANDY_MACHINE_ID> --v2

or you can use the candy machine creator id which will be the first creator in the creators array.

metaboss sign all --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> --creator <CANDY_MACHINE_CREATOR_ID>

With a mint accounts JSON list:

metaboss sign all --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> --mint-accounts-file <PATH_TO_MINT_ACCOUNTS_FILE>

For the latter usage, the mint accounts file should be a JSON file with a list of mint accounts to be signed:


Outputs a TxId to the command line so you can check the result.


Get snapshots of various blockchain states.

Note: Most of the snapshot commands rely on the Digital Asset Standard (DAS) API, which is a read layer for Metaplex NFTs that uses indexed data to serve up information without having to make onerous getProgramAccounts RPC calls to validators. To use these commands you will need to have a RPC URL set with a provider that supports the DAS API. The current official list from Metaplex is here.

Metaboss recommends using Helius for DAS API calls as they are the only provider that fully supported the DAS API spec on both mainnet and devnet when these commands were tested. In addition, they have a very generous free tier that should be sufficient for most casual users. The snapshot holders command with the group key set to mint is only supported on Helius endpoints currently, as it relies on their getTokenAccounts custom addition to the DAS API.

Snapshot Holders-GPA

(Legacy: not recommended for use.)

Snapshot all current holders of NFTs using the legacy getProgramAccounts method, filtered by verified candy_machine_id/first creator or update_authority. Note: Update authority can be faked so use that option with caution.


metaboss snapshot holders --creator <CREATOR_ADDRESS> -p <POSITION> --output <OUTPUT_DIR>

Use the position to indicate which creator in the creators array to filter by; defaults to the first one (position 0).


metaboss snapshot holders --update-authority <UPDATE_AUTHORITY> --output <OUTPUT_DIR>

For candy machine v2, you can add the --v2 option when using it with candy machine id. Candy machine v2 has a separate creator id from the candy machine account id.

metaboss snapshot holders --creator <CANDY_MACHINE_ID> --v2 --output <OUTPUT_DIR>

where <CANDY_MACHINE_ID> is the candy machine id retrieved from the cache file.

Creates a JSON file in the output directory with the name format of <CREATOR/UPDATE_AUTHORITY>_holders.json consisting of an array of objects with the following fields:

  • owner -- the address of the holder of the token
  • ata -- the associated token address the NFT is stored at
  • mint -- the token mint address for the NFT
  • metadata-- the address of the metadata decorating the mint account that defines the NFT

Example file:

        "owner": "42NevAWA6A8m9prDvZRUYReQmhNC3NtSZQNFUppPJDRB",
        "ata": "7yGA66LYDU7uoPW2x9jrUKaDWTs9jqZ5cSNKR1VaLQdw",
        "mint": "C2eGm8iQPnKVWxakyo8QhwJUvYrZHKF52DPQuAejpTWG",
        "metadata": "8WTA3sLxwRNDKHxZFbn2CFo3FX1ZP59EqrvuDPLbmmWV"

Snapshot Mints-GPA

(Legacy: not recommended for use.)

Snapshot all mint accounts using the legacy getProgramAccounts method, for a given verified candy machine id/first creator or update authority


metaboss snapshot mints --creator <FIRST_CREATOR> --output <OUTPUT_DIR>

Use the position to indicate which creator in the creators array to filter by; defaults to the first one (position 0).


metaboss snapshot mints --update-authority <UPDATE_AUTHORITY> --output <OUTPUT_DIR>

For candy machine v2, you can add the --v2 option when using it with candy machine id. Candy machine v2 has a separate creator id from the candy machine account id.

metaboss snapshot mints --creator <CANDY_MACHINE_ID> --v2 --output <OUTPUT_DIR>

where <CANDY_MACHINE_ID> is the candy machine id retrieved from the cache file.

Creates a JSON file in the output directory with the name format of <CANDY_MACHINE_ID/UPDATE_AUTHORITY>_mint_accounts.json consisting of an array of mint accounts.


Snapshot Holders -- DAS API

Snapshot all current holders by various group types:

  • Mint: Gets all token holders of a specific mint (currently only supported on Helius endpoints).

  • First Verified Creator Address (FVCA): Gets all holders of NFTs with a specific FVCA.

  • Metaplex Collection Id (MCC): Gets all holders of NFTs with a specific verified MCC ID.


metaboss snapshot holders <GROUP_VALUE> --group-key <GROUP_KEY>

Creates a JSON file in the output directory with the name format of <GROUP_VALUE>_<GROUP_KEY>_holders.json consisting of an array of objects with the following fields:

  • owner -- the address of the holder of the token
  • ata -- the associated token address the NFT is stored at
  • mint -- the token mint address for the NFT
  • metadata-- the address of the metadata decorating the mint account that defines the NFT


    "owner": "42NevAWA6A8m9prDvZRUYReQmhNC3NtSZQNFUppPJDRB",
    "mint": "2pwsTyuM4Cb2zmN3xydti2ysPYdmu242w1J7TmQya3At",
    "metadata": "Art3NUzP2DxqfzwwMgjLdu8KY9NQLBp2zuEZ63dx9iU2",
    "ata": "FfwoNCYYC5wUkTYTmtYmBSgk9YRWpTTWZCpJB6MjwvSk"

Example command:

metaboss snapshot holders PanbgtcTiZ2PveV96t2FHSffiLHXXjMuhvoabUUKKm8 -g fvca

Snapshot Mints -- DAS API

Snapshot all mint accounts by various group types:

  • Authority: Gets all NFT mint addresses for a given update authority. Warning: update authority can be set to any address so use this option with caution.

  • Creator: Gets all NFT mint addresses that have a specific verified creator.

  • Metaplex Collection Id (MCC): Gets all NFT mint addresses with a specific verified MCC ID.


metaboss snapshot mints <GROUP_VALUE> --group-key <GROUP_KEY>

Creates a JSON file in the output directory with the name format of <GROUP_VALUE>_<GROUP_KEY>_mints.json consisting of an array of mint accounts.

For the creator method you can optionally specify which creator position to use with the --position option. This defaults to 0, which is the first verified creator in the creators array.

Example command:

metaboss snapshot mints PanbgtcTiZ2PveV96t2FHSffiLHXXjMuhvoabUUKKm8 -g creator --position 1

Snapshot FVCA -- DAS API

An alias for snapshot mints with the group key set to creator and the default position of 0 used to find all mints with a given FVCA.


metaboss snapshot fvca <FVCA>

Creates a JSON file in the output directory with the name format of <FVCA>_fvca_mints.json consisting of an array of mint accounts.

Example command:

metaboss snapshot fvca PanbgtcTiZ2PveV96t2FHSffiLHXXjMuhvoabUUKKm8

Snapshot MCC -- DAS API

An alias for snapshot mints with the group key set to mcc used to find all mints with a given MCC.


metaboss snapshot mcc <MCC>

Creates a JSON file in the output directory with the name format of <MCC>_mcc_mints.json consisting of an array of mint accounts.

Example command:

metaboss snapshot mcc PanbgtcTiZ2PveV96t2FHSffiLHXXjMuhvoabUUKKm8

Snapshot Prints

Snapshot the print editions of a given master edition. This returns a JSON object of edition mints where the key is the edition number and the value is the mint address.


  "1": "CgCmZJCBeJs9m596NzqxLg3HB8eerHHWXQPiiigB3fpt",
  "2": "C7kfCVwadqrQwjCBewE147r3xg8ZgYgqeUJk2tMsZ5zi",
  "3": "6HQBWdC9BpY6Ky3YvmxoEJGce8PgQ6NqfkLgP3dJRDpb",
  "4": "FiDSNjCM5sLPmMvHvCWtnqEp9yt4NvZ2ThXJ9kpvBT73",
  "5": "4DwpsvxzemsHxDjz8qrVkQFP7nK5QwT6irL1KQkt5NJy",
  "6": "DBLeCRfF8t7q2oe5DYip8J9m4eRTc46EKMazqitth5eL",
  "7": "AUYNrra3XmPg4FBZ5t3w1m9Nou1AQqGEs5RUPqMu9Bz1",
  "8": "Ewj5hZ7Z2HLojk3Du7RXcHnNtqBv8UrMCNxuukHA436J",
  "9": "CJgszcJTg5MKFrRa9pcty42ybaaoq13thh3a71Ep2G8t",
  "10": "7zZKJ9g5Bz4UZnAjY9DoiGzsV56JSTbx3ejgrzuupKQ2",
  "11": "Fq1rT9krzj6zMUJbDUraMEekHKcTdwyfYeYdbcAgN5qE",
  "12": "EqnXBCwU2eTCVTE6G82PnZ5ujKpxeCnGrGvaURYMyjvr",
  "13": "4oWVGXtCMA7QQi8KJaWD2sc89kapQ9yYybTwqD99LVhi",
  "14": "3P7aumi3e4ZALiMY6g9Ec7H6zpN4jfyRC5Hs1G5n4Nt4",
  "15": "5pwz2Fn3YGFFLzNVFAZZESfpjjjnA2k71Hd2mHPCX1ro"

There is no direct way to find all print editions of a given master edition, so this command uses the following heuristic:

  1. Derive the master edition account from the provided master_edition_mint
  2. Decode the master edition NFT metadata account
  3. Find the first verified creator of the master edition's metadata account
  4. Snapshot all metadata accounts with the same first verified creator
  5. Decode all the metadata accounts
  6. Get the mint from each metadata account
  7. Derive the edition for each mint account
  8. Decode the edition and check if it's a master or a print
  9. If it's a print and its parent is the master edition, add it to the list with its edition number as the key

The user can optionally pass in a first verified creator to use instead of deriving it from the master edition.


For master editions that have had prints minted, and then had their first verified creator changed and then more prints minted, it will take multiple runs of this command with each of the first verified creators to find all the prints and the user will need to track them in separate files and merge them manually as it will overwrite the default output file each time.




Transfer Metaplex assets such as NFTs and pNFTs.

Transfer Asset

    metaboss transfer asset [OPTIONS] --mint <mint> --receiver <receiver>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

        --amount <amount>          Amount of tokens to transfer, for NonFungible types this must be 1 [default: 1]
    -k, --keypair <keypair>        Path to the update_authority keypair file
    -l, --log-level <log-level>    Log level [default: off]
    -m, --mint <mint>              Mint account of token to transfer
    -R, --receiver <receiver>      Receiving address, if different from update authority
    -r, --rpc <rpc>                RPC endpoint url to override using the Solana config or the hard-coded default
    -T, --timeout <timeout>        Timeout to override default value of 90 seconds [default: 90]


metaboss transfer asset --mint <asset_mint_address> --receiver <receiver_wallet_address>


metaboss transfer asset --mint 2KGQLgypChErw3kKPqG26uyUjVtZj8QSJg2AUNR7BWdM -R PanbgtcTiZ2PveV96t2FHSffiLHXXjMuhvoabUUKKm8


For non-fungible types such as NonFungible and ProgrammableNonFungible, the amount can only be 1 and that is the default value for the CLI argument if not specified.

For fungible types, specify the amount to be transferred with --amount <number>.


Warning: These commands modify your NFT and are for advanced users. Use with caution.

Update various aspects of an NFT.

See also Set commands for updatable values that cannot be reversed (e.g. set immutable).

Update Data

Update the Data struct on a NFT from a JSON file.


metaboss update data --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> --account <MINT_ACCOUNT> --new-data-file <PATH_TO_NEW_DATA_FILE>

The JSON file should include all the fields of the metadata Data struct and should match creator verified bools for existing creators. E.g. if your NFT was minted by the Metaplex Candy Machine program, and you wish to keep your candy machine as a verified creator you must add the candy machine to your creators array with verified set to true.

Note: The on-chain Data struct is different than the external metadata stored at the link in the uri field so make you understand the difference before running this command.

Make sure you understand how the Metaplex Metadata Data struct works and how this command will affect your NFT. Always test on devnet before running on mainnet.

    "name": "FerrisCrab #4",
    "symbol": "FERRIS",
    "uri": "",
    "seller_fee_basis_points": 100,
    "creators": [
            "address": "<YOUR_CANDY_MACHINE_ID>",
            "verified": true,
            "share": 0
            "address": "<KEYPAIR_CREATOR>",
            "verified": true,
            "share": 50
            "address": "42NevAWA6A8m9prDvZRUYReQmhNC3NtSZQNFUppPJDRB",
            "verified": false,
            "share": 50

Outputs a TxId to the command line so you can check the result.

Update Data All

Update the Data struct on a list of NFTs from JSON files.


metaboss update data-all --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> --data-dir <PATH_TO_DATA_DIR>

Each JSON file in the data directory should include the mint account and all the fields of the metadata Data struct and should match creator verified bools for existing creators. E.g. if your NFT was minted by the Metaplex Candy Machine program, and you wish to keep your candy machine as a verified creator you must add the candy machine to your creators array with verified set to true.

Note: The on-chain Data struct is different than the external metadata stored at the link in the uri field so make you understand the difference before running this command.

Make sure you understand how the Metaplex Metadata Data struct works and how this command will affect your NFT. Always test on devnet before running on mainnet.

    "mint": "CQNKXw1rw2eWwi812Exk4cKUjKuomZ2156STGRyXd2Mp",
    "name": "FerrisCrab #4",
    "symbol": "FERRIS",
    "uri": "",
    "seller_fee_basis_points": 100,
    "creators": [
            "address": "<YOUR_CANDY_MACHINE_ID>",
            "verified": true,
            "share": 0
            "address": "<KEYPAIR_CREATOR>",
            "verified": true,
            "share": 50
            "address": "42NevAWA6A8m9prDvZRUYReQmhNC3NtSZQNFUppPJDRB",
            "verified": false,
            "share": 50

One approach to using update data-all is you can get all the JSON files using the metaboss decode mint -L <mint_list> --full command, and then write a script to modify the specific fields you want to change. The file output from decode mint when using the --full option provides the correct format that metaboss expects because it uses the same field names as what update data-all expects. The extra fields will be ignored.

Outputs a TxId to the command line so you can check the result.

Update Name

Update the on-chain name of a NFT, keeping the rest of the Data struct the same.


 metaboss update name --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> --account <MINT_ACCOUNT> --new-name <NEW_NAME>

Update Symbol

Update the on-chain symbol of a NFT, keeping the rest of the Data struct the same.


 metaboss update symbol --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> --account <MINT_ACCOUNT> --new-symbol <NEW_SYMBOL>

Update Symbol All

Update the on-chain symbol of a list of NFTs, keeping the rest of the Data struct the same.


 metaboss update symbol-all --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> -L <PATH_TO_LIST_MINT_ADDRESSES> --new-symbol <NEW_SYMBOL>

Update Creators

Update the creators of a NFT, keeping the rest of the Data struct the same.



Creators should be a comma-delimited list of creator:share:verified. E.g.


metaboss update creators -k ~/.config/solana/devnet.json -a 4rxTT8pKeYFrFgNBgTspBWVEnMnsAZGwChkjRUtP4Xpi -n 42NevAWA6A8m9prDvZRUYReQmhNC3NtSZQNFUppPJDRB:70:false,AVdBTNhDqYgXGaaVkqiaUJ1Yqa61hMiFFaVRtqwzs5GZ:30:false

Using the --append flag will set the shares to 0 and append to the existing creators list, otherwise the creators are overwritten with the list you pass in.

Update Creators All

Same as update creators but takes a mint list instead of a single account.

metaboss update creators-all  -k ~/.config/solana/devnet.json -L mints.json -n 42NevAWA6A8m9prDvZRUYReQmhNC3NtSZQNFUppPJDRB:70:false,AVdBTNhDqYgXGaaVkqiaUJ1Yqa61hMiFFaVRtqwzs5GZ:30:false

Update URI

Update the metadata URI, keeping the rest of the Data struct the same.


metaboss update uri --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> --account <MINT_ACCOUNT> --new-uri <NEW_URI>

Update URI All

Update the metadata URI for a list of mint accounts, keeping the rest of the Data struct the same.


metaboss update uri-all --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> --new-uris-file <PATH_TO_JSON_FILE>
        "mint_account": "xZ43...",
        "new_uri": ""
        "mint_account": "71bk...",
        "new_uri": ""

Update Seller Fee Basis Points

Update the seller fee basis points field on an NFT, keeping the rest of the Data struct the same.


metaboss update sfbp --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> -a <MINT_ACCOUNT> -n <NEW_SELLER_FEE_BASIS_POINTS_VALUE>

Update Seller Fee Basis Points All

Update the seller fee basis points field on a list of NFTs, keeping the rest of the Data struct the same.


metaboss update sfbp-all --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> -L <PATH_TO_MINT_LIST.json> -n <NEW_SELLER_FEE_BASIS_POINTS_VALUE>

Update Rule Set

Update a Metaplex pNFT's rule set pubkey.

    metaboss update rule-set [OPTIONS] --mint <mint> --new-rule-set <new-rule-set>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -k, --keypair <keypair>              Path to the creator's keypair file
    -l, --log-level <log-level>          Log level [default: off]
    -a, --mint <mint>                    Mint account of token to transfer
    -n, --new-rule-set <new-rule-set>    New rule set pubkey
    -r, --rpc <rpc>                      RPC endpoint url to override using the Solana config or the hard-coded default
    -T, --timeout <timeout>              Timeout to override default value of 90 seconds [default: 90]


metaboss update rule-set --mint <MINT_ADDRESS> --new-rule-set <NEW_RULE_SET_PUBKEY>


metaboss update rule-set --mint 2KGQLgypChErw3kKPqG26uyUjVtZj8QSJg2AUNR7BWdM -n D4YHFZPWASGpvBDJSUrPtqZqxTgTm7eL5rikBY9Y5dwf

Update Rule Set All

Update the rule set of a batch of pNFTs.

    metaboss update rule-set-all [OPTIONS] --new-rule-set <new-rule-set>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -c, --cache-file <cache-file>        Cache file
    -k, --keypair <keypair>              Path to the creator's keypair file
    -l, --log-level <log-level>          Log level [default: off]
    -L, --mint-list <mint-list>          Path to the mint list file
    -n, --new-rule-set <new-rule-set>    New rule set pubkey
    -R, --rate-limit <rate-limit>        Maximum number of requests per second [default: 10]
        --retries <retries>              Maximum retries: retry failed items up to this many times [default: 0]
    -r, --rpc <rpc>                      RPC endpoint url to override using the Solana config or the hard-coded default
    -T, --timeout <timeout>              Timeout to override default value of 90 seconds [default: 90]


metaboss update rule-set-all -L <MINT_LIST> -n <NEW_RULE_SET_ADDRESS>


metaboss update rule-set-all -L rule_set_mints.json -n 1CfDY5sYBnspaXvjnN3y9WRdaoD5v3HXrZDrWhjZZTN

Update Clear Rule Set

Remove the rule set on a pNFT.

    metaboss update clear-rule-set [OPTIONS] --mint <mint>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -k, --keypair <keypair>        Path to the creator's keypair file
    -l, --log-level <log-level>    Log level [default: off]
    -a, --mint <mint>              Mint account of token to transfer
    -r, --rpc <rpc>                RPC endpoint url to override using the Solana config or the hard-coded default
    -T, --timeout <timeout>        Timeout to override default value of 90 seconds [default: 90]


metaboss update clear-rule-set --mint <MINT_ADDRESS>


metaboss update clear-rule-set --mint 2KGQLgypChErw3kKPqG26uyUjVtZj8QSJg2AUNR7BWdM

Update Clear Rule Set All

Remove the rule set of a batch of pNFTs

    metaboss update clear-rule-set-all [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -c, --cache-file <cache-file>    Cache file
    -k, --keypair <keypair>          Path to the creator's keypair file
    -l, --log-level <log-level>      Log level [default: off]
    -L, --mint-list <mint-list>      Path to the mint list file
    -R, --rate-limit <rate-limit>    Maximum number of requests per second [default: 10]
        --retries <retries>          Maximum retries: retry failed items up to this many times [default: 0]
    -r, --rpc <rpc>                  RPC endpoint url to override using the Solana config or the hard-coded default
    -T, --timeout <timeout>          Timeout to override default value of 90 seconds [default: 90]


metaboss update clear-rule-set-all -L <MINT_LIST>


metaboss update rule-set-all -L rule_set_mints.json


Verify Creators

    metaboss verify [OPTIONS] <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -l, --log-level <log-level>    Log level [default: off]
    -r, --rpc <rpc>                RPC endpoint url to override using the Solana config or the hard-coded default
    -T, --timeout <timeout>        Timeout to override default value of 90 seconds [default: 90]

    help           Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)


Verify a creator in the metadata creators array by signing for it with its keypair. Creators can only verify themselves.

    metaboss verify creator [OPTIONS] --mint <mint>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -k, --keypair <keypair>        Path to the update_authority keypair file
    -l, --log-level <log-level>    Log level [default: off]
    -a, --mint <mint>              Mint account of token to transfer
    -r, --rpc <rpc>                RPC endpoint url to override using the Solana config or the hard-coded default
    -T, --timeout <timeout>        Timeout to override default value of 90 seconds [default: 90]


metaboss verify creator --account <MINT_ACCOUNT> --keypair <CREATOR_KEYPAIR_FILE>

Creator All

Verify a creator in the metadata creators array of a list of metadata accounts, by signing for it with its keypair. Creators can only verify themselves.

    metaboss verify creator-all [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -c, --cache-file <cache-file>    Cache file
    -k, --keypair <keypair>          Path to the update_authority keypair file
    -l, --log-level <log-level>      Log level [default: off]
    -L, --mint-list <mint-list>      Mint list
    -R, --rate-limit <rate-limit>    Maximum number of requests per second [default: 10]
        --retries <retries>          Maximum retries: retry failed items up to this many times [default: 0]
    -r, --rpc <rpc>                  RPC endpoint url to override using the Solana config or the hard-coded default
    -T, --timeout <timeout>          Timeout to override default value of 90 seconds [default: 90]


metaboss verify creator-all --mint-list <MINT_LIST_FILE> --keypair <CREATOR_KEYPAIR_FILE>


Unverify Creators

    metaboss unverify [OPTIONS] <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -l, --log-level <log-level>    Log level [default: off]
    -r, --rpc <rpc>                RPC endpoint url to override using the Solana config or the hard-coded default
    -T, --timeout <timeout>        Timeout to override default value of 90 seconds [default: 90]

    help           Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)


Unverify a creator in the metadata creators array by signing for it with its keypair. Creators can only unverify themselves.

    metaboss unverify creator [OPTIONS] --mint <mint>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -k, --keypair <keypair>        Path to the update_authority keypair file
    -l, --log-level <log-level>    Log level [default: off]
    -a, --mint <mint>              Mint account of token to transfer
    -r, --rpc <rpc>                RPC endpoint url to override using the Solana config or the hard-coded default
    -T, --timeout <timeout>        Timeout to override default value of 90 seconds [default: 90]


metaboss unverify creator --account <MINT_ACCOUNT> --keypair <CREATOR_KEYPAIR_FILE>

Creator All

Unverify a creator in the metadata creators array of a list of metadata accounts, by signing for it with its keypair. Creators can only unverify themselves.

    metaboss unverify creator-all [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -c, --cache-file <cache-file>    Cache file
    -k, --keypair <keypair>          Path to the update_authority keypair file
    -l, --log-level <log-level>      Log level [default: off]
    -L, --mint-list <mint-list>      Mint list
    -R, --rate-limit <rate-limit>    Maximum number of requests per second [default: 10]
        --retries <retries>          Maximum retries: retry failed items up to this many times [default: 0]
    -r, --rpc <rpc>                  RPC endpoint url to override using the Solana config or the hard-coded default
    -T, --timeout <timeout>          Timeout to override default value of 90 seconds [default: 90]


metaboss unverify creator-all --mint-list <MINT_LIST_FILE> --keypair <CREATOR_KEYPAIR_FILE>

Withdraw (Deprecated)

Use Metaplex's Sugar tool for withdrawing from candy machines instead.

Priority Fees

To specify priority fees on Metaboss transactions, use the --priority/-p flag. The current priority values are set at:

PriorityMicroLamport Units

The default value if no priority is specified is None.

The total amount spennt on priority fees per transaction is the microlamports multiplied by the compute units used. Metaboss simulates each transaction to determine the compute units required, and then uses that value or a default.

Setting higher levels of priority fees are unlikely to make a significant difference in the getting transactions confirmed, so it's recommended to use "none" or "low" until Solana network performance improves. However, higher levels are included to give users options.

When running large batch updates be sure to consider the cost of priority fees for the level you set!! Medium, High and Max could cost significant amounts of SOL when updating thousands of NFTs.



Twitter: @samvwaal



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