Global Options

These are the options that apply to all subcommands and can be passed in at any level.

metaboss <option> <subcommand> <subcommand>
metaboss <subcommand> <option> <subcommand>
metaboss <subcommand> <subcommand> <option>


-r, --rpc The RPC endpoint to use for commands.

Metaboss will try to read your Solana config settings for both the RPC endpoint and also the Commitment setting by reading from $HOME/.config/solana/cli/config.yml. If it can't find a config file it defaults to using and confirmed.

Running Metaboss with the --rpc option will override the above with whatever RPC endpoint the user provides.

-T, --timeout The timeout in seconds to use for RPC calls.

This defaults to 90 seconds which should be fine for most cases but can be overridden if needed.


metaboss snapshot holders -r -T 120 -u DC2mkgwhy56w3viNtHDjJQmc7SGu2QX785bS4aexojwX