

Create a new SPL token mint and corresponding metadata account.


Specify the token decimals and path to a metadata file that contains the name, symbol and uri fields in a JSON format.

metaboss create fungible -d <decimals> -m <metadata_file>


// crab.json

  "name": "Crabbie",
  "symbol": "CRAB",
  "uri": ""
metaboss create fungible -d 6 -m crab.json

Use the --initial-suply option to mint the specified amount directly to your keypair upon token creation. The amount is specified is the UI amount as a float. E.g. --initial-supply 10.123 with three decimals will mint 10123 base unit tokens to your keypair.

metaboss create fungible -d 3 -m crab.json --initial-supply 10.1

Vanity Mints

You can specify a vanity mint address by using the --mint-path option to specify a path to a keypair on your file system. It will use this for the mint account instead of creating a new one.

metaboss create fungible -d <decimals> -m <metadata_file> --mint-path <path_to_keypair>


Decorate an existing SPL token mint with metadata.


Specify the token decimals and path to a metadata file that contains the name, symbol and uri fields in a JSON format.

E.g. (Note the snake_case field name):

// crab.json

  "name": "Crabbie",
  "symbol": "CRAB",
  "uri": ""
metaboss create metadata -a <mint_address> -m <metadata_file>