Quick Start

Install Binary

Copy the following to a terminal:

bash <(curl -sSf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/samuelvanderwaal/metaboss/main/scripts/install.sh)

If you get errors you may need dependencies:


sudo apt install libssl-dev libudev-dev pkg-config

MacOS may need openssl:

brew install openssl@3

Or get the binary yourself: binary.

Install With Cargo

So you're a Rust dev. . .

cargo install metaboss

See Usage Commands

metaboss -h

Decode a mint account's metadata:

metaboss decode mint -a 23gaZq8578xHozMWADsmZ2hAFqZ15iyHmQtRw14meds2

Get a snapshot of mint accounts by first verified creator:

metaboss snapshot mint -c PanbgtcTiZ2PveV96t2FHSffiLHXXjMuhvoabUUKKm8